
Essential information about the think tank.
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These articles (the initial post of each topic) are all included in the Best World Forum Knowledge Base PDF which you can download from Here you can discuss the articles, ask questions, make suggestions for corrections or further improvements, and so on. (The discussions themselves do not become part of the PDF.)
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Posts in topic: 1
Posts: 305
Joined: 210729 Thu 2022
Nickname(s): The Voice of Reason
CDW: ✅ Count me in!
My democracy level: SDG (12-19)
Profile news headline: Think Tank Launch | Think-Tank-Start



Post by Molaskes »

If the BWTT ever cannot operate anymore, becomes seemingly incapacitated for good, because for instance its website is no longer online, its administrator is not active anymore, or its usual publications do not get issued anymore, having passed a reasonable time of doubt, do use this Knowledge Base PDF here, and anything else you can salvage from the old BWTT’s publications and online presence, to start your own offspring BWTT, if you feel capable to do so.

Whenever two or more such offspring BWTTs become aware of each other, or the old one surprisingly becomes active again, they shall be merged into one single BWTT again, redirecting members and other interested people to whatever they decide on to be the joint BWTT presence.

This provision is intended to make the BWTT immortal, both ensuring that it will continue even if the original or currently driving core of people for whatever reasons one day stop to work for it without directly ensuring proper succession, and safeguarding it against deliberate hostile attempts of a decapitation strike (such as sabotaging its URL or attacks on its administration or editors).
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