You and the Constitution of the Democratic World

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Here you can answer surveys and vote in polls, and you can create your own as well to ask the community.
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How do you relate to our (linked below) Constitution? (You can change your answer later anytime.)

I fully approve of it — thus I'm part of the Democratic World according to Article 1.
I shall certainly read it very soon!
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I shall certainly read it someday later.
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Well, maybe I will read it someday.
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I've read it through, and I do not approve of it.
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I've read parts of it and already disapproved of it.
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I will probably never even read it.
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Total votes: 1

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You and the Constitution of the Democratic World


Post by Molaskes »

The official weblink to the Constitution of the Democratic World is:

If you speak German,
please also answer the German poll likewise:
Du und die Verfassung der Demokratischen Welt

And if you are part of the Democratic World according to Article 1,
you can also set the checkmark in your user profile.
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