Can Life End Completely in the Universe?

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Can Life End Completely in the Universe?


Post by Molaskes »

I just saw a video on Odysee where the author discusses the ways in which life might perish completely when the universe comes to an end (according to some believers of the Big Bang Theory, which has different future scenario sects, mostly the hot vs the cold ending of the universe), how long it could resist in which ways, and so on. Here are my thoughts on the issue:

The Big Bang Theory and all its implications is a misconstrued and utterly illogical concept, derived mainly from religious dogmatic belief riding on the misinterpretation of the observed redshift. A simple thought experiment can break it at least from an "outside perspective". So even if the redshift would actually show an expanding universe that can be calculated back to an "act-of-creation" singularity, and even if it would end in one way or the other: What lead to the singularity of creation? It must be assumed that after the universe has gone, it would at some point in "time" (which according to BBT-believers would not even exist "outside" of the universe) "happen again". So life in the universe would end, but another (or "the same") universe would form (either apparently, or in actual fact, immediately) and thus new life would sooner or later emerge as a simple consequence of negentropy that also is the source of stars and other spatial objects forming: The king is dead — long live the king!
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