Join the First Launch Core(s)!

Join a launch core, group, or commune, or offer yours to potential further members or mergers.
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Join here a launch core, group, or commune, or offer yours to potential further members or mergers.
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Community Admin
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Posts in topic: 1
Posts: 305
Joined: 210729 Thu 2022
Nickname(s): The Voice of Reason
CDW: ✅ Count me in!
My democracy level: SDG (12-19)
Profile news headline: A Little Hiatus | Eine kleine Auszeit

Join the First Launch Core(s)!


Post by Molaskes »

The first launch core for Future Democracy has of course been started directly by myself, Molaskes, the admin of this community. Wherever in the world you are, you are free to join it, while it still exists and has not yet grown into a full Democratic Group. (In the latter case I will delete this text here and will replace it with a new topic post introducing the group to all who may be interested to join it.)

Just contact me via a Private Message!
(Or you can found your very own Launch Cores independent from mine — in fact, there should be thousands over thousands once the movement gets really rolling!)

In Launch Cores, we boost-learn together and prepare to establish well-functioning, stable and guaranteed-to-grow local Democratic Groups, as intermediary steps to finally found Democratic Communes that cover most of daily life as nearly independent social and economical units.

The members of a Launch Core do not need to stay together in a Democratic Group, rather may found local Democratic Groups each for their own, but might well keep in touch to interconnect the groups (and later communes) as Cooperation administrators.

Any questions? Ask them here, or ask me in a Private Message!
Let's grow and change the world together!
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