Implementing Solutions for the World

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Implementing Solutions for the World


Post by Molaskes »

Each solution developed for the world must give two recipes: one for solving the problem itself, and one for delivering that to the key figures or target groups that shall apply it.

The “delivery recipe” will have to be applied by the BWTT itself, for instance by calling, or writing to, key figures, or running marketing-like campaigns to inform target groups. Unless verifiable proof is provided, any claims that such steps have been undertaken must be considered void, and (further) attempts should be undertaken until proof is there for how the recipients have reacted, positively or negatively.

Upon successful delivery, the actual implementation of the solution must be monitored as well, and further actions (such as further campaigns) may be necessary to ensure that the solution is implemented soon, quickly, correctly, and fully. This control loop may use “social media” and/or proper news to check on the progress, and/or use more direct ways such as surveys or local visits to see how things go or went.

The BWTT can use any means that are legal, safe, efficient, and effective in any campaigns for getting any solutions really implemented that it has developed. Such campaigns may be planned by classical marketing techniques such as the AIDA formula (planning for the four distinct stages of getting Attention, raising Interest, creating Desire, and leading to the actual Action one wishes the target group or person to perform), or other methods.

The BWTT might even create a network of lobbyists with standing or flexible relations to various key figures that repeatedly play a role in different problem solutions.
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