Viewing profile - Molaskes

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Community Admin
Community Admin
The Voice of Reason
I speak English 🇬🇧:
💎 fluently.
I speak German 🇩🇪:
💎 fluently.
I also speak some:
🇮🇹️ Italiano (Italian), 🇫🇷️ Français (French), 🇪🇸️ Español (Spanish), 🇵🇹️ Português (Portuguese), 🇷🇴️ Română (Romanian), 🇳🇱️ Nederlands (Dutch), 🇸🇪️ Svenska (Swedish), 🇳🇴️ Norsk (Norwegian), 🇩🇰️ Dansk (Danish), 🇬🇷️ Ελληνικά (Greek), 🇦🇱️ Shqip (Albanian), 🇮🇩️ Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
✅ Count me in!
My democracy level:
SDG (12-19)
My ASecs of interest:
System Performance (SP), Education (ED), Conflict-Solving (CS), Resources: Food (RS-FD), Resources: Drinking Water (RS-DW), Resources: Energy (RS-EG), Resources: Raw Materials and Products (RS-MP), Resources: Media Library (RS-ML), Resources: Digital Library (RS-DL), Cooperation (CO), Systems Interface (SI), Public Relations (PR), Security (SC), Emergencies (EM), Health (HL), Safety (SF), Hygiene (HG), Cleaning (CL), Disposals (DP), Funeral Services (FS), Buildings Technology (BT), IT Systems (IT)
About me:
(Who Is Molaskes? | The Core Values of Molaskes | What I'm Currently Doing — linked there also: Molaskes' Projects Overview | The Molaskes Manifesto)
(Wer ist Molaskes? | Der Wertekodex von Molaskes | Was ich derzeit tue — dort außerdem verlinkt: Molaskes' Projekte-Übersicht | Das Molaskes-Manifest)
Profile news headline:
A Little Hiatus | Eine kleine Auszeit
My News:
🇬🇧 Currently I take some months off productive work, in favor of some personal development and for improving my productivity workflow as well as my work-life balance. I think this will take at least until the end of 2024.
🇩🇪 Aktuell nehme ich ein paar Monate Auszeit von der produktiven Arbeit, zugunsten von Persönlichkeitsentwicklungsarbeit und um meinen Produktivitäts-Workflow zu verbessern sowie meine Work-Life-Balance. Ich denke, dies wird noch mindestens bis Ende 2024 in Anspruch nehmen.

Contact Molaskes

User statistics

210729 Thu 2022
Last active:
250215 Sat 1557
Total posts:
305 | Search user’s posts
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